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eXonyte's Realm

February 2021 Archives


Dark mode engaged

Posted by eXonyte at 10:11 PM

I finished adding a dark mode theme and because it's my personal preference, it's the new default. That said, if your browser supports your system level light/dark mode options, you'll actually see the theme for whichever you've chosen. Only problem is that the Twitter feed only gives a choice of dark or light and it doesn't properly switch between the two yet. As such, the Twitter feed is permanently in dark mode until that changes.



I am still here, really

Posted by eXonyte at 10:28 PM

It's been a wild ride these past few years. Maybe I should start telling the stories? If nothing else, I'm going to be moving the Realm to a new webhosting service very soon and I'll probably celebrate by adding dark mode support to the site theme and fixing the Archives page. I'm still not sure what else I'm going to do with the Realm, but at the very least it's not going anywhere and neither am I. See you all soon.

Edit: Ok so I fixed the Archives page, and I'm not sure that it ever actually worked properly, but it was a really easy and obvious fix.

Edit 2: Updated the Twitter feed and tweaked some CSS. Going to bed now.
